Is Ultrasound safe in pregnancy?
Ultrasound is a type of imaging that uses sound waves to create echoes, which in turn produce an image of your baby on the monitor. Ultrasound has been used for decades in pregnancy and there is to date no evidence that diagnostic ultrasound has caused any harm to humans including the developing fetus (BMUS, 2009, WHO 2009).
All ultrasounds at New Beginnings are undertaken by a clinical specialist obstetric sonographer with years of experience working in a busy fetal assessment unit. The British Medical Ultrasound Societies Guidelines for Safety in pregnancy are followed and the ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable) principle is adhered to at all times. Specific pregnancy settings are also used at New Beginnings during your scan. We are happy to answer any questions you have about the scan experience. Click here to send a WhatsApp message and we will come back to you when we are free.
What about 3D/4D ultrasound is it safe in pregnancy?
3D and 4D ultrasound uses the same high frequency technology as 2D ultrasound and often the timeframes are short as most of the image viewing and adjustments are done after the procedure. A 3D Ultrasound baby scan is a reconstruction of the captured 2D image, where the pixels are conveted into voxels to create a lifelike representation of the area being scanned. The 3D/4D modes use the same type of sound waves and energy as standard ultrasound and are safe for mum and baby. 3D Scanning should always be carried out by a qualified professional with knowledge of the recommended safety thresholds and timescales to ensure that any risks to the baby would be kept to a minimum.
What’s the difference between 3D and 4D ultrasound?
Like traditional 2D (Greyscale) ultrasound 3D and 4D ultrasounds use sound waves to produce the image. 3D ultrasound creates a three dimensional image and the 4D is a live moving video of your baby in 3D. This gives the parents an opportunity to visualise their baby more clearly, observe their features and see them moving with this wonderful technology.
What is HD technology?
This Innovative new technology is a high definition modality that works with the 3D/4D imagery to create a more detailed, realistic image of your baby. This technology is used during the 3D packages at New Beginnings.
What is the best time for a 3D/4D scan?
3D/4D scans usually produce the best image quality when undertaken from 24-32 weeks gestation.
For multiple pregnancies it is recommended to attend slightly earlier from 22-28 weeks gestation.
Click here to send a WhatsApp message with any questions you might have
How do I prepare for my scan?
The preparation depends on the type of scan. The early reassurance 1st trimester scan requires a full bladder so it is recommended that you drink about a 1/2 litre of water prior to attending. 2nd trimester/3rd trimester scans do not require a full bladder.
Staying well hydrated in general will improve the likelihood of optimal image quality.
All ultrasounds at New Beginnings are Transabdominal (on your tummy) so wearing a two piece garment or shorts under your dress is recommended so we can keep you comfortable during your exam.
Can I bring guests with me to the appointment?
Guests are welcome to attend at New Beginnings we are currently allowing up to 6 guests to accompany you to your scan. Children are welcome to attend as long as an additional adult is available to supervise throughout the scan. To book an appointment please click here to see our availability
When can I find out my baby’s gender?
At new beginnings the gender scan is carried out from 16 weeks gestation. If the baby’s position is not favourable to visualise the gender on the day then a complimentary rescan will be offered.
What if I want to do a gender reveal can the gender be written down?
The sonographer will do her best to keep the gender hidden and can write it down and put it in an envelope for you as a surprise. New Beginnings also have Gender reveal scratch cards that can be given if requested.
How accurate is the gender determinations?
Gender determination is never 100% guaranteed, however the level of experience by the sonographer at new beginnings would ensure optimal results.
What factors affect the quality of images?
Images can never be guaranteed, many factors which are out of our control can affect the quality of images including but not limited to the baby’s position, reduced amniotic fluid, placenta position and raised BMI.
What if the scan shows concerns or I need a follow up afterwards?
In the unusual circumstance that concerns are noted during the ultrasound the sonographer is highly trained to explain and counsel you regarding the findings. Additional time will be given and you will be advised about the recommended follow up with your g.p, midwife or hospital. Our sonographer will be available for support or advice afterwards or for as long as needed and will check in with you to make sure your plan of care was followed through.